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This site is aimed at owners of Yamaha XS1100, XS850, XS750 and XS650 Motorcycles.

Here you can find all the Yamaha part numbers for XS 1100, XS 850, XS 750 and XS 650 motorbikes.

For most parts we list retail prices and we hold over 3,500 photographs of parts.

If you are looking for a part then we can tell you which other motorbikes in the XS range have your part.

And, if you are selling a part then we can tell you what other bikes it will fit.

Get started now by using the 'Part Finding' menu at the top of the screen to find your bike model, find part numbers or lookup a part number.

And it's free !
What bikes are

Until you register as a user there are some restrictions.
- part number searches will be limited to the first 50 matches
- you won't be able to set a default model for searches

Currently this site provides a searchable database of over 58,000 Yamaha part numbers for the following models :-
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